I'm happy to report that the first of my recent choral crop has been sung publicly for the first time. The choral ensemble Full Circle, under the direction of Jennifer Yocom, premiered my setting of Robert Frost's "Stars" at concerts in Bradford, VT and Lyme, NH on April 28 and 29.
"Stars" is one of four pieces in my cycle of SATB a cappella settings of Frost poems, from his collection A Boy's Will. I call this cycle Hymns from a Meadow: four seasons in a secluded, sacred spot in northern New England. So I am beyond delighted to have this first Hymns premiere take place in the Upper Valley of VT and NH: Frost's stomping grounds, and my favorite place in the world.
My heartfelt thanks to Jennifer Yocom and Full Circle for taking a chance on this new work, and for their hard work in bringing it to life!
Coming up later this year—here in my current Bay Area home—my frequent collaborators Pacific Edge Voices will premiere the entire Hymns from a Meadow, performing "In Hardwood Groves" and "Stars" (Fall/Winter) this fall, and "A Prayer In Spring" and "Rose Pogonias" (Spring/Summer) in spring 2018.